The campaign will be launched on the Pencils of Promise Twitter page, where users will be redirected to the microsite for more information.

The microsite will contain more information on how to get involved by making donations or by spreading the word through social media. The microsite also encourages users to participate online by using the hashtag “#IgotthePOWer” or by shopping in the e-commerce page.

By using the hashtag “#IgotthePOWer” on Twitter and Instagram, Pencils of Promise can track the progress and impact of the campaign.

Posters will be sent out as direct mail pieces to supporters that have previously contributed in an effort to rally for their continued support.

Collaborations with businesses, such as Starbucks, aim to inspire companies to join the fight against the global education crisis.

Having the official mask decal from The League of Empowerment over the main store signage will identify participating Starbucks.

Collateral pieces, such as cups and sleeves with the mask printed on, will be used to promote the campaign at participating stores.

Other items such as reusable cups can be purchased to help promote the campaign and also help raise money for Pencils of Promise.